The weather is improving, in parts! Rain, wind and even snow in some areas but this has been interspersed with some fine sunny days and it looks like a few of the lucky ones (read “retired” or “on holiday”) are taking the opportunity to go to the field for a fly.
Vale – Ronald “Peter” Miller
It seems we are hardly getting through another month and I have to report the passing of yet another member. This time I am sad to report that Peter Miller passed away suddenly at the LGH on September 16. He was only 71. Peter joined us in September 2014 and due to a regular Saturday commitment of golf, he only ever flew on weekdays. Our condolences to his wife Louise and family. For those that may not have met Peter, here is a post from Facebook (courtesy of Russell W).

Midweek Flyers
Thursday, September 17th was one of those days and Mark Holman responded to my call for a few photos and information on the day. A pretty good turnout for a mid-week fly – Mark Holman, Russell Walker, Keran Crozier, Max Wiggins, Vince Burling, Meilin Ho and Alan Johnson (let me know if I’ve missed anyone). Meilin had her E-flite “Apprentice”. Vince Burling brought along a couple of models; one a Yak 54 and the other a Yak 55M. Russell had a D.H.100 “Vampire”. From one of the images, Max brought along his Durafly™ Ugly Stick V2 Electric Sports Model EPO 1100mm wingspan and a Hobbyking TL2000 EPO RC Plane with an 1160mm wingspan.
Vince Burling’s Yak 54’s
Yak #1 – Thunder Tiger – YAK 54 35% “Ace Team Blue Check” ARF
- Wingspan: 2.41m
- Length: 2.27m
- Flying Weight: 10.2kg
- Engine: Twin DLA112 (petrol)

Yak #2 – 55M Goldwing kit
- Type: Yak 55M 30cc
- Wingspan: 73″ (1860mm)
- Length: 68″ (1730mm) inc spinner
- Wing Area: 1023ins² (66dm²)
- All Up Weight: 9.7~11lbs (4400~5000g)
- Color Scheme: Yellow/Black/Red
- Engine: RCGF 30cc twin stinger engine (petrol)
- There is a kit available from Hobbyking – see here

Russell Walker’s D.H.100 “Vampire”
Russell Walker brought along a new model, a Durafly D.H. 100H “Vampire” “Canadian Edition”. This is a ducted fan ARF from Hobbyking (see here). Max was given the reins for a test flight. Details are –
- Wingspan: 1100mm
- Length: 888mm
- Flying Weight: 1050g
- EDF: 70mm with 2836 3000KV Brushless Outrunner Motor
- ESC: 60A w/UBEC
- Servo: 9g x 4
- Retracts: Servoless Electronic
- Requires:
- Your own 5~6 Channel TX/RX
- 1 x 2200mAh~3300mAh 4S Lipoly (30c Min)

A few more images from the day (all photos from the day are courtesy of Mark Holman)
Mick Green’s Sopwith Triplane
Another weekday flier was Mick Green, who was enjoying a short annual leave holiday and on September 28, he took his latest model a K&W Models ARF. In Mick’s words –
“Triplane is a K&W Models ARF, which were available in Australia from Maccas Vintage Aerodrome, but are now long out of production. Span 1600mm, weight around 12lbs if I remember correctly and powered by a Laser 100. Had it’s unsuccessful maiden on Monday. Seemed to be significantly underpowered. I managed to let it stall and it spun in. Damage is not too bad, but fiddly to repair. Will get fixed at some time in the future.” Mick also added – “I don’t know if you have spoken to anyone else yet, but I am pleased to report that when I went out to the field on Mon to test fly the Triplane, there were 8 people out there flying. Vince and Meilin were there and I was able to certify Vince’s big aerobat for him. The other good news is that the strip is looking the best I have seen it.” (A wet winter and now spring rains have certainly helped)
A couple of “before” pictures of the Sopwith.

The astute readers will have noticed the small round “pucks” under the wheels and tail skid in the bottom picture. I enquired with Mick as to what they were. This was Mick’s response –
“They are a balance and weight system manufactured by Xicoy in Europe. In my RAAF days we would wheel the Hornets into a hangar and run the wheels onto load cells and we could then check the weight and balance of the aircraft. This is a miniaturised version of the method used in full size aircraft. This system also calculates lateral balance by measuring the weight over each wheel. You can also get optional ‘angle sensors’ to check the deflection of ailerons, flaps and rudder.“
Want to know more – check out their site here and watch the video below.
Other videos are here or if you want to try a another method with some postal scales try this
On Monday, September 14 we held our long overdue AGM. There was a reasonable turnout on the night of 15 members. This AGM saw the close of a chapter in our history. Geoff Hays who has been a life member and a tireless volunteer for many tasks over a number of decades, decided to call it a day and relinquish his duties as the secretary of the club.
Geoff advised the members present that he had the opportunity to relocate to Queensland to be closer to his children and grandchildren. Whilst Geoff advised that this is not certain yet, he did not want the club to be left looking for a new secretary mid term if he decided to leave early in 2021. Another selfless act by Geoff. I am sure all of us will want to wish Geoff all the best in the future and thank him for his significant contribution over the years. Geoff will still be about as he has agreed to continue the barbecue duties for the next couple of months.
As one chapter ended, we welcomed 2 new committee members and a new CFI. Kieran Crozier was elected to the role of Secretary/Public Officer. Rodney Kreutzer replaced Kevin Hay on the committee and Chris Jones was appointed as the Chief Flying Officer, also replacing Kevin Hay. Welcome all.
Most of us are “tinkerers” much to the chagrin of our spouses, who suspiciously ask when a package arrives in the mail “what have you bought now?”. One of our members who likes to buy a few gadgets and often shares his latest purchase is Max W. I received a couple of emails from Max, outlining his latest buys.
The first – DIY Portable Battery Storage Spot Welding Machine
Max hopes to use it to spot weld his battery packs. It’s amazing what is available for us modellers!
Max also found a good site for bearings and he shares it with us here –
“This is a site which sells lots of different bearings at good prices mostly next day delivery at the moment. See here“
That’s it for this month and thank you to Mark, Max and Mick for submitting material this month. Without it I would have had little to write about. Many of you must have a new model ARF or kit that you have acquired over the COVID period, so send in some details and let us all know.
Don’t Forget – Put a Spark in your life and fly electric!
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