Unfortunately, this is another edition where it has been a while since the last one (January). Due to a number of reasons I haven’t been able to visit the field much, only managing one visit; Club Day March 6. There is a way to keep me posting – send me details and pictures of your latest purchase, build or visit to the flying field.
Some of you may recall that 6 years ago I was asked to set up a Facebook Group for LMAC. Due probably to the age profile of the majority of our members, this group had 2 members (George C & Kevin S) for 5 of those 6 years. There is now some new found enthusiasm and posts are appearing in the Group feed and the membership has now increased to 9! Whilst I personally have some issues with the big social media platforms and how their algorithms find out more about us and track our every keystroke and click, than most of us would like them to know, it is convenient and easy to make a post on the fly in Facebook. However, not all of our members are on Facebook (or Fakebook as I like to call it). So in this edition of HT I will plagiarise images from some of the posts so that all our “non Facebook” members can see some of the activities.
Club Duties
We now have a new catering team, Mike Hope and Meilin Ho. Whilst Mike has carried the baton before, it is great to see new faces stepping up to carry out these important club roles. This is also evident with the mowing activities and general maintenance being undertaken by a group of volunteers. By spreading the load we not only take the burden off a few individuals but we engage more members in the “ownership” of their club. Don’t hesitate to put your hand up if you can help in any way.

Vale Bruce Gilham
In my last HT, it was with much pleasure that I reported 2 new members had joined the club. Bruce Gilham and his daughter Emma. As I reported previously, I met Bruce in early December and he was vey keen to get started and enjoy some quality time that he could share with his daughter Emma. Sadly Bruce was battling leukaemia but little did we know it would take him so soon. He passed away on January 1, the first day of his membership. Whilst Bruce’s time around the club was short and not many of you knew him, on behalf of the club we offer our sincere condolences to his wife Gaylene, daughter Emma and the rest of their family. Gaylene and Emma were very generous in donating to the club all of Bruce’s recent purchases; A Grand Tundra, Orange TX, a Reaktor charger and batteries etc. The club is auctioning the GT and sold the Orange Tx to raise much needed funds for some significant projects planned this year. The charger will be placed in the machinery shed as a backup to the existing iCharger.
Notwithstanding the generous donation, the committee decided to refund the membership fees of Bruce and Emma. We sought the same from the TMAA and MAAA. The TMAA agreed but we received no response from the MAAA. We refunded all fees anyway. For those that didn’t know Bruce, he was very active in many community organisations such as football (past President & coach of the North Launceston Football Club), fishing and railway locomotive restoration. I am sure he would have been a great asset to the club. RIP Bruce.
Club Auction
As mentioned above, the club is be auctioning the items donated by the Gilham family. In addition it was decided, due to lack of use, to auction the club trainer and equipment. Phil Elliott also donated an AXI motor for the club to sell. He has offered another model kit also, but we thought it prudent to sell the existing items first. Thanks Phil!
To date the bids have been slow. Let’s hope more are forthcoming to assist in funding the projects promised at the last AGM. Check out the items being auctioned here.
Club Day – February 13
Whilst I wasn’t there on the day, it appears there was a good turnout with 13 turning up for the barbecue, flying and general banter. Those in attendance were Meilin, Alan J, Mike H, David M, Fred W, Max W, Kevin S, Richard C, Jacques W, Tim and Ros S, Chris J and Phil E.
Meilin organised the food and Mike was chef for the day. Some snaps from the day courtesy of Facebook posts.
Club Day – March 6
I managed to make this club day and I must say I haven’t seen the car park so full for a long time! It was a super day, not too hot and not too windy – the perfect scenario for a good turnout! 19 in total attended and it was nice to see one past member join us for the day – Nara Tatemsapya. We look forward to seeing you again Nara.
Members in attendance were Fred W, Meilin, Chris J, Mike H, Peter S, Max W, Greg R, Kevin H, Alan J, Danny N, Phil E, Jacques W, Kevin S, Mark H, George C, Kerry C, Richard C & Rod K. For a few, including yours truly, it was back to basics with too long between flights meaning a steady as she goes approach. Jacques W shared my thoughts as we recalled the times we were there at least a couple of times every week and throw in club and state competitions every month, we had a very busy schedule of model flying in years gone by.
Phil Elliott brought along a full squadron of his planes, from his foamies to his Excel glider (originally built by Greg R).
Mark H was the photographer for the day and took a lot of shots that he posted on the club Facebook page. I have downloaded some here for the non-FB members.
From the World Wide Web….
The world’s fastest RC turbine jet 727 kmh (451 MPH). The cameraman does an amazing job keeping up. The pilot is unbelievable – if it was me, it would have been a fly away as soon as it left the launch pad!!
Well that’s it for this month. Don’t Forget – Put a Spark in your life and fly electric!
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