Sunday, October 4 saw the first of what I am sure will be plenty of Tomboy events. The event was run by HMAC and whilst the LMAC team were looking forward to a trip South the weather forecast put them off. However Fred Willis did us proud not only by representing LMAC but taking out 2nd place as well. Just missed the top spot by 5 seconds! As Will Deal reports, unfortunately it was so windy most of the models were packed away quickly so not too many photos but here are some courtesy of Will.

They are really catching on and Greg R reports he has built 12 so far (must be a record). Dave J has built one and is waiting on a MP Jet I have ordered for him. Kevin H and Merv C have one each. Geoff H has his well under way and he is going to try a rather novel approach of having a “bolt on” front end that will have a diesel and electric option. Watch out to see how that turns out. Mine is still on the building board. Fuselage sides and tailplane are built as is one half of the wing. I have opted for the 44″ version. Look out for a big Tomboy day at LMAC, possibly in December. Do you have a Tomboy, Cardinal or the like? Why not send in some photos as it will be interesting to see how many are out there. Considering all the ARF rage and expensive models that abound it is good to see the Tomboys etc making a comeback as after all it’s what our hobby was all about, cutting up some sheets of balsa and creating a model from scratch – if we leave it to the ARF’s the art of building will be lost.