23rd July, 2013
I must apologize for being late with this month’s report but believe me I have had a lot going on these past six weeks with three trips to the mainland and then having domestic work to contend with whilst Gloria enjoyed four weeks holiday touring England, France and Italy. Tough isn’t it? Well, anyway that’s my excuse!
Our AGM was once again well attended and I really appreciated the input from our members. A big “Thank You” to our ladies, Kerry, Alyce and Faye for the lovely supper that we so enjoyed afterwards.
The first committee meeting for the new year was held at the Carnies on the 8th July and I was very pleased to welcome new members, Doug Colbeck (Secretary and Public Officer), Michael Hope, Michael Green and Terry Pearson as Vice President as well as our newly re-elected Treasurer, George and Kevin Hay. As usual Kerry provided a lovely supper whilst we continued Club business. Thanks Kerry!
As you may have gathered from the minutes (Committee Report) much was accomplished at this meeting and Doug is to be congratulated on presenting such a comprehensive account of what transpired then. It is very refreshing to have a new and re-invigorated approach to our meetings.
At this stage I would like to remind all members to regularly check our website for updates, especially when we have Club Days and when we have rostered competitions just in case they have been cancelled because of inclement weather which can be very unpredictable at times.
Work starts on the new transmitter pound and charging station this Friday. The donations, totalling near $500 towards the cost of the charging station have been gratefully received. Special thanks to Rob Dale who donated some models and a motor which have been sold for more than $300 and thanks to Greg Robinson for organizing these donations from Rob.
I think another exciting project coming up will be the complete renovation of the strip which will entail rotary hoeing, broadcasting of new grass seed and then rolling to ensure that we end up with a strip as smooth as a bowling green. We shall probably miss about two month’s flying but the wait will be worth it. As we know the flying during these months can be very ordinary with a lot of wind.
Our new field layout when completed, the designated pit area with no taxiing in it and specific starting areas will ensure that we can help alleviate safety concerns as well as making us all Safety Conscious.
Please remember that all committee members appreciate feedback (especially positive) and value your input no matter how big or small. Well, that’s enough of me for now.
“til next time,
Safe Flying,
President LMAC
Telephone: 03 6257 8258
Email: [email protected]