March 20, 2013
Hello Everyone,
I am pleased to report that, although the flying strip isn’t quite up to scratch yet, manyof our Club Members have enjoyed many flights. Models flown have varied in sizefrom small to quite large ones. I guess what I am really trying to say is that we are in business again despite there being a few more tasks to be completed.
All we need now is a lot of rain on our field so that a heavy roller can be used to flatten out the ridges. I believe that the club house interior has been finished since I last attended the field. Geoff has been organizing a crew of three or four to help him and we are extremely grateful for their efforts and to Geoff for his hard work and leadership. Today, Geoff and Terry were going to install the downpipes to the tanks in anticipation of receiving some good rainfall tomorrow. I haven’t had time to checkon this but I’m sure it will have been done. Thanks to Doug Colbeck for donating and laying tiles in the kitchen. Certainly brightens up this area.
It has been said to me that some members may feel that they haven’t been asked or invited to help. Yes, initially we required many helpers and members were forthcoming. As the tasks grew smaller, but time consuming, inviting more to participate would leave members just waiting around. I’m sorry if anyone feels that they should have been invited but the truth is sometimes “more is less” so please don’t feel neglected or left out of the whole process. I have been impressed with the assistance and skill of the many members who have come to help and have never had to send out any urgent appeals for help.
At our February Committee meeting it was agreed that there be no flying on “TotalFire Ban” days. This year we have had two of those days and I don’t think a single member was inconvenienced by these bans. This leads me to what equipment do we have for extinguishing any small fire that may be started by a crashed model? I know we have a fire extinguisher that needs checking but it would be most useful to have a fire-fighting knapsack. So, if you have one that you no longer use or know where we may obtain one very cheaply, please let us know.
Tomorrow, (Thursday) I was going to visit Greg as he was installing a DZY 48cc twinin my Christen Eagle but earlier this evening I had a phone call from Alice to say that Greg had a medical procedure this morning, went home, suffered severe pain and had to be admitted to St Vincent’s Hospital where he will remain for the next three days under observation. I’m sure we all hope that this is a minor setback and Greg will soon be back to his best.
“til next time,
Safe Flying,
President LMAC
Telephone: 03 6257 8258
Email: [email protected]