Hello Everyone!
Much of the hard work on re-assembling the club house has now been done, thanks to our hard-working regular crew and extra volunteers who happened to turn up on several occasions.
The first big day was erecting the trusses and dynabolting them to the concrete slab followed by sheeting the outsides, installing windows and doors. This was a big day punctuating by a compulsory morning tea break at 10 a.m., lunch at 12 noon and afternoon tea if we still had any food left.
Once again I cannot speak too highly of our volunteers led by Geoff and his right hand man, Mike Hope. Kevin, Greg, Doug, Bill, Merv and Richard worked extremely hard and much is owed to their dedication.
George, who had just returned from the US of A, was warmly welcomed back and assisted with the alignment of the building and helped in the decision making process that sometimes occurred. Of course I should mention our part-time supervisor, Alice and her attention to the temporary toilet which, we discovered on our arrival yesterday, had blown down. It has now been anchored to a large concrete slab.
In between the big days, Merv, Geoff, Mike and Bill prepared the building for yesterday’s effort to roof it. Other volunteers besides our regular crew yesterday were Owen, Alan, Malcolm, Dave, and for a little while Mike Green and Jamie Sheehan.Alice would have been proud of your window cleaning efforts Dave.
Special mention must be made of Mike H’s and Geoff’s effort on the roof. This was no mean effort in the blazing sun and considering Geoff’s age he would put many younger ones to shame. Well done! Merv is also commended for regularly mowing the strip and for servicing the mower. Thanks Merv.
All that remains to be done now is the fitting out of the club house, assembling the verandah, locating the tank, cleaning up the site and later on installing the compost toilet. Other tasks include defining the pit area, public separation from the pits and the installation of the transmitter pound. (a collective decision on this has yet to be made).
Malcolm, Richard and Dave all flew their models very successfully at different times of the day and provided a small welcome break. Doug also flew his electric Speed 40 at the first big working bee for 2013. There appears to be no problems with the strip except for trying to taxi crossways.
I must thank George who, although rushed for time, managed to circulate a flier re the current situation for those wishing to fly at the new strip. He also gave a comprehensive account re no flying on Total Fire Ban days. Members should check our website if they haven’t already done so to read the notice.
We have another Committee Meeting on Monday.11th March so if you have any suggestions, queries or any other matter relating to the running of our club, please contact me or any other Committee Member so that we may place it on our agenda.
“til next time,
Safe Flying,
President LMAC
Telephone: 03 6257 8258
Email: [email protected]