August 23
More rain overnight! Today we paid a visit to the field to obtain some photos that we could post for your information. Geoff Hays was also there and Kerry took some photos. Observations were that the strip, and pits had water sitting in the furrows, however the car park, whilst water was sitting in some spots it was not too bad. it would appear that the water lying in the car park was more likely to have come from the overflow from the tank. The water was quite deep from the area between the machinery shed and the clubhouse and forward to the tables. You will see this in the photographs below. (Click on the images to enlarge them)
You can see the water lying in the furrows on the strip in the picture below.
If we needed any reminder that we are in winter, the picture below proves it. Stil, we do have a very picturesque outlook as you can see below.
We also took the opportunity to photograph progress on the charging station. Next week, weather and other issues permitting, Terry expects to fit the solar panels and cabling to the bus bars and then the charging station will be operational and all we need is for the strip to dry out. Here is a photograph of the bench and bus bars. I’m sure you will agree, Terry has done a great job.
August 22
Rain and more Rain – The substantial and sustained rainfall so far this month has come at a cost with the flying field now waterlogged. Fred visited the field just 2 weeks ago and whilst the carpark was very wet, the strip was fine. However the heavy rains over the past week or so has seen the field inundated. We have had over 200mm (8″) so far this month with 117mm (4.6″) falling in the past week or so. The rains will have an impact on the timing of our strip renovations due to the inability to run any heavy machinery on the strip until the strip has dried up sufficiently so as to allow topdressing etc. The earliest access, assuming no more sustained periods of rain, will likely be towards the end of September. The owners have advised they will spread gravel in the car park areas as soon as access can be obtained without causing further damage. We’ll keep you posted.
Electric Charging Station – Whilst all of this has prevented most of us from attending the field, one man who has made regular visits is Terry Pearson. Terry has been fitting out the new electric charging station and a top job is well underway. Terry only has to install the solar panels and the system will be up and running. Access to the machinery shed is now available to all members via the key hanging in the clubhouse. (I know, not much use until we get some fine weather) Highlights of the new system are –
- We will have a bus bar that is about 3m long but expandable should the need arise.
- Initially I expected to get a 120Ah battery but after negotiations, our friends at Exide (Tasmanian Batteriies) have recommended and supplied 2 x 6v 225Ah industrial batteries. Don’t forget all members are eligible for substantial savings from Tasmanian Batteries on any batteries by just showing their membership card. I bought a 33A Gel battery with a RRP of $167 for under $100!! So check out their web site.
- We also have a state of the art 30A regulator.
- To supply all the charging for these batteries we have bought a 150W solar panel to add to our existing 65W. Total 215W capable of supplying between 300 and 400A/hrs per week.