At the 2012 AGM, four options for the relocation of our flying site were put to the members. Option C was accepted and amongst other things, included a proposed electric charging station. The committee would now like all members to nominate whether they are in favour of this proposal.
All electric flyers have their own charging equipment however whilst some have their own dedicated storage battery (12v) to power their chargers, some still resort to using the battery in their motor vehicle.
To ensure the committee carries out appropriate due diligence before spending club funds, we will carry out the following –
- Analyse Demand – A poll has been developed to get feedback from members to determine the need.
If the poll supports the demand for a charging station, then - Based on demand, determine the equipment required, allow for some future demand then analyse capacity needs and cost this.
Some examples of charging stations in use are shown below.
External Station-1 External Station-2