Geoff Hays
Telephone: 63267967 / Mobile: 0408559806
E-mail: [email protected]
Hi Everyone-
Well it’s that time of the year again where we have reached the ½ way mark of a calendar year and that brings to mind all sorts of things like Tax time and the renewing of Club subscriptions which you all would have received by now.
Many have renewed by the time you receive this report which is good because we are as I have mentioned in the last report we are going to have an exciting time as a club ahead of us in this new financial member year, and we would hope that all of our existing members will come along with us as the journey will start soon.
If you have not renewed your membership by the 1st July remember that you are not permitted to fly until the fee has been paid.
We had a reasonable rollup to the club AGM and the members present received a good insight as to what is going to happen re our relocation and also generally decided on the type of building arrangements as suggested by the committee formulated by the treasurer.
The committee personnel remain the same as last year with the exception that of President that has changed from Kevin Hay to Fred Willis, Kevin has taken Fred’s position as committee man.
At the 1st meeting of committee following the AGM it was decided that mainly due to the fact that it is winter and weather unpredictable and also that we will be moving in the near future to the new site, we decided that for now we will not be issuing a contest event calendar until after our move is completed. It was also decided that we would not at this stage appoint a CD as such but when an event is decided to be held a person from that interest group be appointed on that occasion to run that event.
The committee members retain the Safety officer’s position of the club.
Safety does remain a high priority within our hobby so we all must always be vigilant in this respect and be conscious of others present at the time, if you happen to be doing some wild flying that is considered dangerous to others you may be spoken to about this, Please do not be offended if you are but rather take it as being reminded of our duty of care to others.
Only recently we had one of our members badly lacerating his hand after going through the prop arc after starting his motor whilst reaching for his TX, which was actually behind the line of prop swing. An incident report was sent to the MAAA to cover the person and the Club if any unseen problem eventuated later on, this report is currently awaiting a close out from the MAAA.
Attached is the latest MAAA Newsletter and CIAM Flyer. (click on the highlighted links – G)
Pit tables was another topic at the committee meeting, where it was mentioned that at least 1 of the tables in our pit area is too light and may tip forward if a large model with a powerful motor is run up after starting needing to be pegged securely down to the ground.
Also make sure that the TX cradle is forward of the propeller swing line.
We welcome back to membership Vince Burling who has rejoined after quite a long spell away on the mainland do make him welcome if you meet him on the field.
I propose to send out to you all your member cards and receipts together with your sporting licences after I receive them from the MAAA. So it may take a little while for all this to happen, but it will save postage if I am unable to see you at the field.
Well that about wraps it up for now so as always
Happy flying and safe landings from your committee
Geoff Hays
Secretary LMAC