Hello everyone!
Since my last report we have had our Annual Dinner at the Queen’s Head Hotel at Perth. There was a record attendance and we were pleased to have our southern friends, Will and Tony join us. I consider this event as being very important as it’s a chance to meet and enjoy the fellowship of our members’ spouses/partners in a social setting and to enjoy a fine meal. We had no awards or trophies to give out this year because we haven’t had any events due to our impending move but hope we can make some amends for next year’s dinner
There has been so much going on lately that occasionally one has to step back, take a deep breath and then get on with the many challenges at hand. We are about to move the club house and a working bee has been arranged for Wednesday, 6th December to prepare the building for its relocation. We shall be removing the verandah and pergola, taking down the tank and emptying the contents so that internal bracing may be installed.
Danny Pfeiffer has volunteered the use of his company’s crane at minimal cost to lift the club house and place it on the slab at our new site. We really appreciate Dan’s assistance. It is anticipated that the move will take place next weekend.
I know I have said it many times before but I shall repeat just how grateful the club is to Stephen Creese for not only allowing us to stay at Symmons but also for preparing the site and road. He has been most co-operative and supportive together with his manager Ron who has rolled and slashed the site several times.
Today we had our last Christmas Club Luncheon at our existing site; quite fittingly as 25 years occupation has just past. Although the weather was unkind we still had a most enjoyable time. The meal was wonderful and our thanks go out to all the ladies who helped Kerry Carnie and to Kevin and Andrew who slaved away at the barbecue cooking our sausages and hamburgers. There was no shortage of food so thanks to all who brought some along. Kerry also arranged the Raffle again this year and George has just informed me that more than $600 was raised. A great effort indeed.
I must mention the work of our treasurer, George. We are indebted to him for the tremendous work he had done not only with the club’s books but for what he has done in liaising with the owners of the property. George has shown a passionate commitment to these dealings together with organizing the contractors in preparing for our move. Even though he has not been well for some time he has soldiered on. On behalf of all our club members, a very big Thank You, George.
When I became President I decided that I would like to instigate a yearly President’s Award. Ideally this would be presented at our annual dinner but the opportunity did not present itself this year so today provided a chance. I set out criteria that would allow me to reward a worthy recipient. The modeller should be one who was committed to our club; one who readily assisted new and old members; one who provided a fine example to fellow members; one whose dedication to aeromodelling was evident and one whose personality inspired others.
Chris Klimeck has all these qualities and more. Even though he has had to cope with many challenges these past few years and he still has one almighty one ahead, Chris has patiently instructed three new club members for just over two and a half years and is still instructing one member. All this despite a lengthy time away, seriously ill.
Chris was a worthy recipient and it gave me immense pleasure, tinged with some sadness, to present Chris with the award generously made by George plus a Gift Voucher that I provided for use at Bunnings.
I thank all members for their continued support in the short time that I have been President and wish you all a very happy, safe and contented Christmas. To George and Kerry, have a wonderful time with your family in the USA. I hope we receive some reports on your holiday and in particular your experiences at the great electric fly-in.
“til next time,
Safe Flying!
President LMAC
Telephone: 03 6257 8258
Email: [email protected]