August 4 – Club Day
The forecast was for clearing showers and by 8am they had cleared! Given the last club day had a great turnout despite the poor forecast, the canteen food was prepared, car loaded and off to the field. Unfortunately the numbers were significanly less than July. Winter is so unpredictable but those that were there seemed to enjoy a warm feed after braving the bitter wind. Some observations –
- Chris K had a flame out just after take off and his model (recently repaired) sustained a little damage when it landed in the “less than forgiving” mud. Oh well Chris, back to the workshop.
- Bill Hellinga is determined, braving the conditions and putting in a few flights before a dead stick saw him land a distance away with no damage. Well done to Chris K for putting in the hours of instruction and encouraging Bill to fly in the wind. Bill reports the only threat were “plovers” who took offence to his trespassing and hurried his return to the pits. Is plover attack covered by the MAAA insurance?
- Jason George continued to clock up some miles on his “Picolo” and is having a lot of fun doing it!
- Alan Johnson brought out his “EasyStar” or equivalent.
- Owen and Merv gave a report on the HMAC “Tomboy” event – weather again was less than favourable for Tomboys but it seems a good time was had by those that attended. I didn’t see either fly a model but they may have done so before we got there.
- Chris and Bill stayed to the end – Keep at it Bill, those Bronze Wings can’t be too far away!
July 7 – Club Day
There was a big turnout today, probably the biggest in a long time despite the wet conditions. It was great to see the members come out and support the canteen funds. Some had read the note on the web site and came shod in their “Wellie” boots (just as well for a couple who had to do the “long walk”. From a catering point of view it is always difficult to know how many but the last slice of bread was used so judgement was close. Another new member, Scott was there continuing the tradition of gaining new members each year. Welcome Scott!
Lunch time was over and then some drizzle arrived – gear was being packed up and a few were heading home. The stalwarts stayed on and enjoyed the calm but wet conditions. Wheelchairs and soft ground don’t mix so I enjoyed the activities from the comfort of the clubhouse!
A few may have picked up that there was a reinforcement of the rules. There is nothing sinister just a timely reminder that rules are there for a reason. Don’t take offence, the rules benefit everyone.