President’s Report
Hello Everyone,
It’s not very often that I’ve put pen to paper since retiring fourteen years ago. Never-the-less as newly elected President I would like to share some personal views/observations of our Club.
It’s not too often that committees are lauded for their work but I would like to personally thank the following:
Firstly, our past president, Kevin Hay for his greatly appreciated contributions to the Club. Kevin is now a Committee member so we haven’t lost his valuable experience.
Next is our Treasurer, George Carnie for his skilful management and wise investment of our Club funds. George is also our Webmaster providing us with valuable communication and with the help of his wife, Kerry, provides great photos and reports on special days.
Geoff Hays is next on my special thanks list. As well as the usual Secretarial roles Geoff provides the reports for all members after our committee meetings. He has a comprehensive knowledge of the Club going back many years.
Next are our fellow committee members who provide valuable advice as well as attending to physical needs of the club: Merv Cameron, Terry Pearson and Owen Cameron. Last, but not least, Kerry and her lady helpers, Faye and Alice for our tasty barbecued food. I hope I haven’t missed anyone. It’s difficult being specific but if I have, “Thank You.”
We are looking forward to moving to our newly allocated site later this year thanks to the generosity of Mr Stephen Creese, the new owner, and the tireless efforts of George as liaison officer who negotiated this outcome.
On behalf of the Club I have written to Stephen Creese expressing our gratitude and assuring him that we shall continue to respect his property and will work with him in a friendly, co-operative manner at all times.
I would like to see our club members build on our strengths such as camaraderie, care, concern and respect for each other. No matter how small your concerns or contributions I would like to hear them as would my fellow committee members. Remember the Club is only as good as its members and the benefits are often, or should be, in proportion to your contributions to it.
Please read our Committee Report on our Web site. These reports contain both information and concerns that have been raised as well as details of future plans/developments.
Hopefully after the move to our new site we’ll be able to have some interesting events for our calendar which should create both participation and FUN for all.
Now, most of us have, in the past, had some accidents or close shaves with spinning propellers and it is for this reason I sourced the Propeller Safety Instructions provided on an attachment to my notes.
This information was to be sent out with Geoff’s report but, at the last minute I withheld it after I read of two recent accidents on the mainland which I shall briefly relate. One accident resulted in severe lacerations to hand and knee. The “victim” was hospitalized. The injury occurred when the UNRESTRAINED model lurched forward. The other accident involved an electric model and the modeller was also taken to hospital. This new information caused me to rehash the Safety Advice which can be downloaded here
In the next few weeks I aim to contact members we haven’t seen at the field for some time as a courtesy call. It is important to keep in touch with all of our members.
Now that winter is here with a vengeance our flying will be restricted but it presents us with an opportunity of thoroughly checking our models and radio gear to ensure they are safe and reliable. It’s also a great chance/excuse to buy or build that new model we’ve been contemplating for some time.
This Saturday, 7th July is CLUB DAY and so far the forecast is fairly reasonable although very cold weather is forecast. The fire will certainly be stoked to warm us whilst we relate our aeromodelling adventures. All being well I hope to see you there, bearing in mind that forecasts can often be unreliable this time of year.
‘Til next time, Safe Flying!
Fred Willis
Telephone: 03 6257 8258
Email: [email protected]