Geoff Hays
Telephone: 63267967 / Mobile: 0408559806
E-mail: [email protected]
Hi Everyone-
Well it has come to that time of the year yet again where we can say farewell to another year in a few short weeks from now, and it will be some who would say I hope that next year is better for me personally than the one just about to end.
For our club it has been quite a year hasn’t it, what with the wettest winter we have ever encounted since our coming to Symmons Plains back in 1987, and then the property sold by the Youl family who were owners of this large expanse of land for many years and were gracious enough to allow us the use of an area that suited us just fine.
I can remember the day in 1987 that I met with the late John Youl to see where he would give us the use of an area to fly our models after I had previously contacted him, I picked him up from his home at an appointed time and we drove to the old hangar. We then walked back to the road and stopped when he said would this be OK for your club members to fly their models, my mind was boggled at the expanse of this long flat area he was referring to and I told him that it would suit the club very well, and so began our activities there.
It was then in 1992 that we started work on the building of our clubhouse and John youl came with his big articulated front end loader and turned the first sod so as to speak for us in levelling the site to pour our slab. He not only did that but he went away and left his machine for us to use in continuing finishing the site preparations. We have a lot to thank the Youl Family for in many respects as a club.
As I mentioned the property has been sold and the new owner is setting about changing and developing the whole area with irrigation, drainage works and tree removal, which has now opened up an area, which is huge to say the least.
And not only that he is offering the club another area on the property to use so we are not exactly being asked to leave, only move to another area which the committee expects will be as good if not better than what we have enjoyed for the last 24 years.
The committee at this stage cannot do much other than get some costing of what we may expect to be doing until the new road and drainage and alignment works are done when we will then be able to see just what and where the area will be.
So where we are enjoy it! – Before the work starts in late summer and autumn.
Some of what I have said is my own personal ramblings of times past, but the essence of it all is coming from our last Committee meeting held on the 12th December 2011.
Not much to report on from committee but a safety tip mentioned at the meeting was felt worthy of sharing with the members, and that is to paint the tips of your propellers will help in seeing them more easily. It would be much better if in fact it stopped having a lacerated finger/s or worse.
The committee has decided to increase the price of hamburgers to now be $ 3.00 instead of $2.50. The change is for economic reasons, soft drinks and sausages to remain at $2.00 respectively.
Our annual dinner at the Perth hotel was very well received, we never heard of any complaints at all from those who attended, the meal was good and the atmosphere amongst those who were there was warm and friendly.
Trophy’s were presented and you can if you are able to, see them and the photos of those who went on the clubs web site, Thanks to George who does a great job in keeping the site continually updated for the club members benefit and also spreads our existence far and wide to those who are interested in model aircraft lifting our image to those who may be looking for some where to join.
Well that just about wraps it up for now and the year, the committee extends the compliments of the season to all members, may your Christmas be merry and bright and the new year ahead full of good health and good fortune with plenty of great weather for flying without another waterlogged winter.
I do wish you all great flying and most of all many
Happy landings
Secretary LMAC