Due to the poor weather conditions we have had over the winter quite a few new models have been secretly being assembled behind closed doors in our local modellers sheds.
The first one I have seen has been peeled from the old AUS91’s building board. He has almost finished another O/D model and aptly called it “Checa” for obvious reasons.·······················
I also have to mention another build that has freshly been pried from a Cameron·building board. This one is a C/L model from·my brother Lyal’s camp. After 35 years from building any models I have persuaded him to step back in time and get back into modelling. He has produced a good example of a Blue Pants. As usuall with us Camerons its not quite the same as the original plan. I hope he can tune his skills ready for the C/L day in Hobart.
Yet Another model fresh from the Board from the team Moody shed. John has carefully built an new control line model.
The model is a fine example of an Eze25 with an Enya320ss up front. No doubt John will be busting a few loops this coming weekend in Hobart.
There are Quite a few more on the boards quietly being produced·at present ,so keep posted and I will try to add these later as I find out more.